5 star, edge of your seat, page turning thriller!
When Aideen Cassidy filled out an application for a job with PsychTeam, she didn’t know what she was in for. All she wanted was a job so she could pay her rent and eat. She had been fired from other jobs too often. Her special talent was not helping. Being able to start fires at random was not any benefit to any job.
Agent Li nicknamed her Firecracker, which seemed appropriate, between her fire igniting ability and her looks-red hair and red eyes, what else would you nickname someone?
PyschTeam was a company consisting of psychics of all different abilities, owned by a young girl, Miyuki. She became the owner at a very young age after her father had died, protecting the secrets of the Zoe.
No one was willing to tell Aideen anything, including why she was hired in the first place. She only knew she had a connection to a young girl who had been kidnapped. What she didn’t know was this big, black “Shadow” created from Zoe blood seemed to hurt everyone in its path.
Why was she so special, that even though she was scared, she seemed to be able to stand up not only for herself, but more for those around her, against this mysterious and evil “Shadow.”
With death and destruction all around, find out if the agents can destroy the “Shadow”, or if the “Shadow” destroys the agents.
Great cast of characters, someone from everyone’s type of personality, whether you were bullied as a child, shy, quiet, muscular, driven and determined, etc. I thoroughly enjoyed how the characters interacted with each other, keeping both Aideen and you in suspense. Well written, keeping you turning pages to see what happens next. The story flowed nicely, keeping you wanting more, and always adding a twist or turn along the way. Not too long and not too short, perfect for this type of suspenseful story.