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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Assassin's Rose

Assassin's Rose by Kasonndra Leigh

The warrior’s who pledge to the Caducean clan to protect their land can only be boys.  What if someone is not who they believe him to be?

Desmond Tarrenton, or Desi, in in training.  Desi’s boyfriend, Seth, seems to have a plan in mind.  But Desi’s best friend Kate does not like what Seth has convinced Desi of.  

The more Desi learns, the less she knows what, or who, to believe.  Who would you believe?

This may be a quick read, but Kasonndra Leigh has done it again.  You won’t be able to put it down once you start.  If you have not read her works before, you will want to start.  Kasonndra has a talent for creating characters with such personality, and her style of writing leaves you turning the pages to keep going.  The more you read, the more interested you become, twists and turns along the way keep your attention.

Although Kansonndra has written numerous young adult books, this is an adult read.