Not Forgotten by Donna Zadunajsky
Deanna had something so life changing happen to her 26 years ago, and because of that, was very reserved about opening up to anyone.
After years of researching keeping an eye out, the house she grew up in was listed on the market. She bought it and began to move in. That’s when so many occurrences began to happen. Her son and her sister were in an accident and that’s when her life began to become unraveled. It was difficult for Deanna to believe these situations were related at first. The more she began to ask, search and dig, the more things became more unbelievable. Who could she trust, who could she open up to. Her son, her sister, her old neighborhood and town. So many questions, so many confusing situations.
Fast paced page turner. The more you read, the more you want to read. You’ll want to see Deanna find the answers to the questions. The cast of characters will keep you interested. No grammar, spelling or writing issues made it enjoyable to read.
I feel a cover with a headstone in the cemetery peaks your interest even more as to what type of story includes a cemetery headstone.