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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back by Karin Fossum

Grabs you right from the start.

A young girl is found dead and completely naked except for a jacket gently placed to cover her.  It’s a small town where everyone knows each other.  This is the type of girl everyone loved and could not imagine anyone wanting to hurt, let alone murder her.  A once very athletic girl has a change in her personality and becomes a bit withdrawn, and no one knows why, not even her boyfriend.  But nothing that anyone would want to see her dead.  Inspector Sejer is the man to solve the crime, bit by bit and piece by piece.

Why is it that the person who took the time to cover the body does not report it to the police?  Was it the killer?  Does the killer have a conscience?  Was it an accident?  But her body was carefully posed and left by the water.  If it wasn’t the killer, why didn’t the person who found her report it?

So many characters of all kinds keeps you guessing who could have done such a thing.  Short chapters keep you turning pages to see what happens next and who did it.

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